About ᚨᛒᛟᚢᛏ
GrayBane.Party is a servers that focus on more laid back approch to gaming we really want to do out best and win as much as we can but keep things #LowSodium with others. We keep things PG-13 so you can you dont have to worry about your people behind you. We have alot of highly exprinced users ther know computer hardware well. We mostly focus on PC gaming but most of us all own consoles in some form and play the main exclusives. We have a variaity of players and some highly ranked users. There is a place for you.
We have a good bit of automondertaion and bots:
- THE BARD - Our severs private HI-Fi music bot
- Custom LGF bot devloped in server
- Buy and sell channel
- And much much more